
Maps of the local public transport in Skellefteå

Map with an overview of the bus stops, valid from 2022 06 19.
(Click on the line in the map to display the line number.)
Map of Bus traffic in the city
Overview (pdf) of the bus stops, as well as the different locations at the central bus stop Centrum/Stationsgatan.
Översiktskarta / Map overwiew (pdf) gäller från och med 2024-03-04

Regional bus lines

Regarding bus lines operated by Länstrafiken, we refer you to Länstrafiken’s information.

Overview Centrum/Stationsgatan

Valid from 2023-06-18 until further notice.
The central bus stop Centrum/Stationsgatan serves as the main hub for all incoming and outgoing buses in the local public transport.

The stops at Stationsgatan are located between Kanalgatan and Södra Järnvägsgatan, where the different stop locations are named R, S, T, U.
R and S are situated on the western part of Stationsgatan; R is placed furthest north towards Södra Järnvägsgatan, and S is located further south towards Kanalgatan.
T and U are situated on the eastern part of Stationsgatan; T is placed furthest north towards Södra Järnvägsgatan, and U is located further south towards Kanalgatan.

Departures from each stop/location: 
Location R
Bus no. 2 to Skelleftehamn
Bus no. 80A to Sjungande dalen

Location S
Bus no. 1 to Anderstorp
Bus no. 3 to Sunnanå via Campus
Bus no. 4 to Mobacken
Bus no. 9 to Solbacken

Location T
Bus no. 2 to Sjungande dalen and Stenbacka

Location U
Bus no. 1 to Solbacken
Bus no. 3 to Klemensnäs via Torsg.Ö/Northvolt Norra
Bus no. 4 to Bergsbyn via Lasarettet (the hospital)
Bus no. 9 to Lasarettet (the hospital)