Replacement Drop-off-bus pass

If you have lost your card?

Sometimes it's the bad luck of arriving, and you lose or forget the things that they don't have to be. Then we want to offer our guests an opportunity to get back the value of their purchased trips in the us. Great, huh? This is a free of charge; the only requirement is that your card is registered in our online shop.

Our drop-off-bus pass reimbursement applies to:
Only a card that is registered in our online shop.
The values in the 100 - will not be replaced.

De resor/dagar som fanns på kortet när det anmäldes borttappat laddas på ett nytt kort och skickas hem till resenären. Om det finns Reskassa på kortet under 100:- men det totala värdet på kortet överstiger 100:- (inkl. andra resor på kortet) ersätts inte Reskassan med  Reskassa utan med Rabattresor. 

Det borttappade kortet spärras så att det inte går nyttja.

Here's what to do in order to get the ability to use it:

To create a user, the user in our website and register for one or several of the town centre. Your card number to which you want to enter, you will find on the back of your card.

Här är en länk direkt till webbshoppen ifall du enkelt, vill registrera dig. Tryck bara ”skapa konto” efter att du följt länken. Länk online shop

Tip: Once you have registered your card, so it's very easy for you to sign up, and fill-in cards the home business over the web. In the shop you will get the best price. You can also see what are the voyages undertaken in the cards and to print receipts for purchases made in the shop – easy and practical!

Here's what to do if the accident has been ahead of the game and you have lost your card:
Om du tappat bort ditt busskort så fyller du i nedanstående formulär. När vi tagit emot din anmälan om borttappat kort så spärrar vi kortet. Om du är berättigad ersättning så skickar vi ett busskort hem till din brevlåda, handläggningstiden är cirka 10 arbetsdagar. Av den anledningen rekommenderar vi att ni köper ett nytt busskort ifall ni planerar att åka med våra bussar under handläggningstiden. Ditt nya busskort kommer att vara laddat med de resor/dagar som fanns kvar på ditt gamla kort när vi fick din anmälan.

You make your application on a new card as soon as you feel it is necessary. Please note that the card, which is blocked, can not be unlocked.
The compensation is payable in accordance with what is left on your card at the time of notification.

Minst en resa måste göras på ditt busskort från det att du registrerat kortet, innan du anmäler det borttappat.
Om du registrerar ditt busskort efter det att du tappat kortet gäller inte våran tappa-bort garanti och vi kommer inte skicka hem något nytt kort.

I've lost my bus pass

I have lost my bus card
Below is a form to be filled in and sent to Skellefteå is to bus. Please note that it will take approximately 10 business days before your item is processed. For this reason, we strongly recommend you to buy a new card in the event that you are planning to travel with our services over the duration of the procedure.

Please fill out the form below, and of late it to Skellefteå is to bus. Note that it takes about 10 working days before your case is processed. For that reason, we recommend that you buy a new card if you plan to travel with our buses during the processing time.